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Closed Children's Leadership Program 2024 New Intake

Children's Leadership Program 2024 New Intake

From dependence to independence to inter-dependence, this one-of-its-kind weekly leadership program is tailored for primary and secondary school students to become an effective person and succeed in life.

We start with self-leadership, where students will ..


Completed Children's Leadership Program 2022 Mid Year New In...

Children's Leadership Program 2022 Mid Year New In...

From dependence to independence to inter-dependence, this one-of-its-kind weekly leadership program is tailored for primary and secondary school students to become an effective person and succeed in life.

We start with self-leadership, where students will ..


Completed Children's Leadership Program 2021 Intake

Children's Leadership Program 2021 Intake

From dependence to independence to inter-dependence, this one-of-its-kind weekly leadership program is tailored for primary and secondary school students to become an effective person and succeed in life.


Completed Junior Self Leadership (JSL)

Junior Self Leadership (JSL)

From dependence towards independence, a weekly programme for primary students to become an effective person and succeed in life. 

Your child(ren) will improve in many areas including academic achievement, emotional management, skill development, mental health, time management, higher order thinking and learning abilities.

15 weekly 1.5-hour sessions.

Ages 7-9: ..

Date(s): 2020-01-17, 2020-01-17, 2020-01-17, 2020-01-18

For Whom: Primary students Ages 7-9 and 10-12

Purpose: Our Junior Self-Leadership (JSL) Programme will help your child(ren) t...

Completed Foundation for Apprentice Leadership 1 (FAL)

Foundation for Apprentice Leadership 1 (FAL)

From dependence towards independence, a weekly programme for students to become an effective person and succeed in life. 

Your child(ren) will improve in many areas including academic achievement, emotional management, skill development, mental health, time management, higher order thinking and learning abili..

Date(s): 2020-01-16, 2020-01-16

For Whom: Students Ages 13-17

Purpose: Our Foudation for Apprentice Leadership (FAL) 1 programme will help yo...

Completed Academic Booster Camp (Primary 1)

Academic Booster Camp (Primary 1)

Let your child spend 1.5hr x 4 days or a maximum of 0.5 day x 4 days to catch up or to boost the subjects, Chinese, Malay and Mathematics, which were learned during the last few months. A strong foundation allows your kid to learn easier and less stressful in school subsequently. 

让您的孩子用 1.5小时 x 4天 或不超越 0.5天 x 4 天 来赶上或巩固在过去几个月应该掌握了的科目(华文、国文和数学)。好的基础可以让您的孩子接下来在学校的学习更轻松、减少压力。


Date(s): 2019-03-26, 2019-03-27, 2019-03-28, 2019-03-29

For Whom: Primary 1

Purpose: Reinforce the foundation of essential subjects for less stress learning in school

Completed Academic Booster Camp (Primary 2)

Academic Booster Camp (Primary 2)

Let your child spend 1.5hr x 4 days or a maximum of 0.5 day x 4 days to catch up or to boost the subjects, Chinese, Malay and Mathematics, which were learned during the last few months. A strong foundation allows your kid to learn easier and less stressful in school subsequently. 

让您的孩子用 1.5小时 x 4天 或不超越 0.5天 x 4 天 来赶上或巩固在过去几个月应该掌握了的科目(华文、国文和数学)。好的基础可以让您的孩子接下来在学校的学习更轻松、减少压力。


Date(s): 2019-03-26, 2019-03-27, 2019-03-28, 2019-03-29

For Whom: Primary 2

Purpose: Reinforce the foundation of essential subjects for less stress learning in school

Completed Academic Health Check (Primary 1 & 2)

Academic Health Check (Primary 1 & 2)

Several time slots available for you to choose. 有几段时间可共您选择。

Bring your child for an independent assessment, including written and verbal interview, to understand your child's learning progress in the essential subjects, including Chinese, Malay and Mathematics. The outcome is not for competitive or ranking purposes, but to know which areas your child can improve further or may need help ..

Date(s): 2019-03-13, 2019-03-16, 2019-03-18, 2019-03-19, 2019-03-20

For Whom: Primary 1 and 2

Purpose: Know your child's learning progress; Know which areas your child may need help in.

Closed Children's Leadership Program 2024 New Intake

Children's Leadership Program 2024 New Intake

From dependence to independence to inter-dependence, this one-of-its-kind weekly leadership program is tailored for primary and&nb..

Completed Children's Leadership Program 2022 Mid Year New In...

Children's Leadership Program 2022 Mid Year New In...

From dependence to independence to inter-dependence, this one-of-its-kind weekly leadership program is tailored for primary and&nb..

Completed Children's Leadership Program 2021 Intake

Children's Leadership Program 2021 Intake

From dependence to independence to inter-dependence, this one-of-its-kind weekly leadership program i..

Completed Junior Self Leadership (JSL)

Junior Self Leadership (JSL)

Date(s): 2020-01-17, 2020-01-17, 2020-01-17, 2020-01-18

For Whom: Primary students Ages 7-9 and 10-12

Purpose: Our Junior Self-Leadership (JSL) Programme will help your child(ren) t...

From dependence towards independence, a weekly programme for primary students to become an effective person and succeed in life. 

Your child(ren) will improve in many areas inc..

Completed Foundation for Apprentice Leadership 1 (FAL)

Foundation for Apprentice Leadership 1 (FAL)

Date(s): 2020-01-16, 2020-01-16

For Whom: Students Ages 13-17

Purpose: Our Foudation for Apprentice Leadership (FAL) 1 programme will help yo...

From dependence towards independence, a weekly programme for students to become an effective person and succeed in life. 

Your child(ren) will improve ..

Completed Academic Booster Camp (Primary 1)

Academic Booster Camp (Primary 1)

Date(s): 2019-03-26, 2019-03-27, 2019-03-28, 2019-03-29

For Whom: Primary 1

Purpose: Reinforce the foundation of essential subjects for less stress learning in school

Let your child spend 1.5hr x 4 days or a maximum of 0.5 day x 4 days to catch up or to boost the subjects, Chinese, Malay and Mathematics, which were learned during the last few months. A stro..

Completed Academic Booster Camp (Primary 2)

Academic Booster Camp (Primary 2)

Date(s): 2019-03-26, 2019-03-27, 2019-03-28, 2019-03-29

For Whom: Primary 2

Purpose: Reinforce the foundation of essential subjects for less stress learning in school

Let your child spend 1.5hr x 4 days or a maximum of 0.5 day x 4 days to catch up or to boost the subjects, Chinese, Malay and Mathematics, which were learned during the last few months. A stro..

Completed Academic Health Check (Primary 1 & 2)

Academic Health Check (Primary 1 & 2)

Date(s): 2019-03-13, 2019-03-16, 2019-03-18, 2019-03-19, 2019-03-20

For Whom: Primary 1 and 2

Purpose: Know your child's learning progress; Know which areas your child may need help in.

Several time slots available for you to choose. 有几段时间可共您选择。

Bring your child for an independent assessment, including written and verbal interview, to understand your child's learning progres..
